ROCK Employee Spotlight: Morgan Jones, Brokerage Assistant

WHAT LED YOU TO THIS CAREER? Family…literally and figuratively. I actually swore that I would never work at ROCK because I didn’t want a “desk job”. I was hired to help out family with the plan to only be here short term. I loved it so much that here I am almost ten years later!
WHAT IS THE MOST SATISFYING ASPECT OF YOUR JOB? Helping others. Not only do I get to help clients, but I get to help the agents I assist. It is always rewarding to be able to lessen someone’s workload.
WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT WORKING AT ROCK? The team atmosphere and management. It is a huge part of why my “short term employment” turned into longer. I love that we all work together, that everyone is always willing to help where needed with no questions asked, and that we support the community. Management truly cares about everyone, and extends their support to situations that arise outside of work.
WHO HAS INFLUENCED YOU THE MOST WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR CAREER? My dad and brother. I have been blessed to be able to work alongside them and watch them both work hard, be passionate about what they do, and care about their clients. I would not be where I am today without them. They have taught me everything I know about real estate, countless life lessons, and have had never ending patience through it all!
WHAT IS THE BEST PIECE OF PROFESSIONAL ADVICE YOU HAVE RECEIVED? Never present a problem without a possible solution. It is great advice for life in general!
WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU WERE GROWING UP? Growing up I wanted to be a pediatrician but I am terrified of needles, so that never happened. Later in life I wanted to pursue a career in psychology.